Jeep Rally in Gozo à Valletta

If there’s one of the most popular activities in Malta, it’s definitely the Jeep rally in Gozo! Gozo is one of the islands in the Maltese archipelago, located Southeast, between the island of Malta and the island of Comino. We offer you an incentive activity in Malta suitable and adapted to the geographical conditions of the island to discover the secrets and landscapes of Gozo. Embark in groups on a Jeep and go on a road trip through the narrow roads of Gozo that lead to the hidden gems of the island. Admire the spectacular landscapes that unfold before you and capture these moments with your colleagues during your corporate retreat in Malta. You will have the opportunity to discover Calypso’s Cave, which embodies the legend of the love prison where Ulysses was trapped in Homer’s Odyssey. We continue our jeep rally in Gozo towards the beautiful Marsalforn Bay with a passage along the hillside that allows for admiring the splendid coastal landscapes.

We then traverse the narrow streets of the capital, Victoria, with its ancient citadel, to catch a glimpse of a bygone era. Share with your colleagues this moment of discovery on the island of Gozo and dive back into the history of one of the most important islands in Europe that has witnessed several centuries of crusades. An incentive full of discovery and powerful moments that strengthens the bonds of your teams and allows sharing a common memory and experience. This team-building activity in Malta will allow you to discover the history and the natural and still preserved beauty of the island of Gozo through the small country roads, but also to enrich yourself culturally by discovering the Ggantija Temples, a World Heritage site dating from the Neolithic era.

Our journeys & plannings
for your team retreat à Valletta

Our team building activities for your team travel à Valletta

Discovering La Valette Explore all activities
Jeep Rally in Gozo Explore all activities
Segway in Dingli Explore all activities
Beach Olympics Explore all activities
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