Walking Tour of Tiber Island in Rome

Discover another side of Rome, away from the hustle and bustle of the city streets. You will explore the Tiber area including “Trastevere,” also known as the “Jewish Ghetto” and the Tiber Island. “Trastevere” literally means across the Tiber, the island was originally connected to the main city of Rome by a tiny wooden bridge, it is about 300 meters long and about 90 meters wide. Immigrants, mainly Jews and Syrians, arrived from the East and settled in the area, where today the ruins of the oldest synagogue in Europe have become one of Rome’s top attractions. The Tiber Island is one of the most enchanting places in Rome, connected to the mainland by two bridges: the Cestius Bridge, dating back to 46 BC, leading to the Trastevere neighborhood, and the Fabricius Bridge towards the Ghetto, built in 62 BC, also known as the bridge of “four heads”.

You will visit the Trastevere neighborhood offering a delightful aspect of the historic center of Rome. It is largely residential and characterized by narrow cobblestone streets, but also by medieval structures and a large university student population. Next, you will have the chance to stroll through Trastevere, discovering its small alleys, people, and churches, a must-see in Rome! A moment rich in discoveries!

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