Enjoy a corporate retreat in Naples

In the south of Italy, there is a marvelous city that is well worth a visit.


Naples, with its historic monuments, is considered by UNESCO to be one of the oldest cities on European soil.


For a corporate retreat focused on culture and discovery, it thus represents a better destination choice.


Moreover, once there, you have at your disposal a wide array of activities, as besides historical sites, Naples offers all the qualities to charm travelers from around the world.


So why not organize your next team retreat in Naples?

Our journeys & plannings
for your team retreat in Naples

Our team building activities for your team travel in Naples

Rallye gastronomique pour épicuriens Explore all activities
Gastronomic rally for epicureans Explore all activities
Hike on Vesuvius Explore all activities
Treasure hunt in Pompeii Explore all activities
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Why organize
a team retreat in Naples

Corporate Retreat in Naples: Celebrating Historical Monuments

Naples, Europe, stands among the cities with the highest count of cultural and historical sites of interest. Its charm is attributed to its location in the southern part of the Italian peninsula. Your offsite in Naples will enrich you with abundant information not only on the city’s past but also on the history of Italy as a whole. Among the must-see monuments, our team recommends starting your excursion with the country’s most famous ruins, namely Pompeii and Herculaneum. These ruins are remnants of Italy’s most tragic event, where, during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, the residents of these two cities were buried under the eruption’s ashes without a chance to escape, leaving everything in place and creating a unique atmosphere at these sites. Beyond these ruins, Naples also houses buildings whose architecture will leave you speechless. Notably, the Galleria Umberto I continues to draw tourists with its impressive glass roof, floor adorned with a giant mosaic depicting the zodiac, and Renaissance-style decor. There’s also Castel Nuovo, Castel dell’Ovo, the Royal Palace, and the San Carlo theater, all worthy of exploration.

Corporate Trip to Naples: Other Attractions and Activities

Being part of Italy, the sea is one of Naples’ main attractions. It would be a miss not to make the most of it during your stay. For activities, we suggest exploring the coastline on a boat ride. Beyond exploration, this ride offers a relaxing experience while enjoying panoramic views of the city. Continuing on your boat, head to the island of Capri, which lures numerous tourists with its cliffs and caves. One of the most significant of these is Grotto Azzurra, a cave featuring water of a stunning blue hue. Lastly, throughout your discovery days, don’t forget to indulge and try Neapolitan culinary specialties. For instance, in Galleria Umberto I, you must try a pastry called sfogliatelle. At Sorbillon pizzeria in via dei Tribunali, you can taste some of Naples’ best pizzas and ice creams.

Planning a Corporate Retreat in Naples

Convinced of the city’s benefits? Then wait no longer and start planning your next team retreat in Naples. Also, consider employing our agency, Seminaire.com, to ensure the success of this significant event for your company. Contact us so we can discuss your expectations and needs regarding the corporate retreat.

Transform your
offsite into an
extraordinary moment