Survey on rosalies en Normandy

Beyond solving the investigation through an original and fun mode of transportation, the primary goal is to discover Deauville, Trouville, and Normandy in general. Come discover its cultural, historical, and gastronomical heritage during this team-building activity with your colleagues! Normandy boasts several UNESCO World Heritage sites and villages ranked among the “Most Beautiful Villages of France.” Beyond these remarkable sites, and many beautiful detours, every corner of Normandy has surprises in store for you! Deauville, Trouville, and Normandy offer a fantastic mosaic of landscapes that will impress your team. Take advantage of this rosalie investigation in Normandy to explore places rich in history and experience a unique activity that will enhance team cohesion.

A booklet will be distributed to the teams so they can follow a specific itinerary to find the clues that will lead them to solving this rosalie investigation in Normandy. To win this team-building activity, you will need to decipher an unusual itinerary using a parchment map representing the area covered by the game. This itinerary will include stages such as surprise workshops, puzzles, markers… Along the way, participants will also need to answer knowledge questions, visual questions, and other brain teasers. Teams will need to make decisions together, question the local population, and beat the clock! Cohesion, sharing, and reflection will be key to earning the maximum number of points and winning the challenges that punctuate this rosalie investigation in Normandy! Don’t waste time, go for it! And most importantly, keep your eyes peeled!

Our journeys & plannings
for your team retreat en Normandy

Our team building activities for your team travel en Normandy

Transform your
offsite into an
extraordinary moment