Winter is the season of coming together and warmth. To break the ice and establish a warm atmosphere in your offices, opt for a team building in the mountains and come back more united than ever. Organize a corporate retreat at Courchevel for your team and discover an avalanche of fun and sports activities to do together. Want to know more? The details.

A corporate retreat in winter, why?
There are indeed seasons that are cheerier and warmer, so why choose winter? Simply because in this season, motivation declines, conversations shorten, and shivers multiply: the atmosphere is as cold as the temperature. To warm up the atmosphere, nothing beats an incentive trip to the mountains. The more you help your colleagues come together, the more united and motivated you will be upon returning to the office. A corporate retreat is far from being a mere step to please employees. Objectives are set beforehand!
A team building increases friendliness, stimulates team cohesion, and rekindles self-confidence. This experience strengthens bonds and eliminates hierarchical barriers as well as formal discussions. It’s a golden opportunity to forge friendly ties and establish a trust base with your colleagues. Each collective activity is a step closer to them. The idea is to motivate your group while creating a sense of belonging to the company and optimizing productivity.
2. The benefits of a team building in the mountains
A mountain retreat is the ideal place to organize winter team building activities. A wide variety of activities are available to create memorable experiences. Moreover, mountain sports are perfect for instilling positive values in your company. They combine challenge and adventure.
During their stay in Courchevel, your team members will strive to excel, adapt to all situations, and show respect for each other. These values, they will take with them, and once back in the office, they will use them to improve their professional relationships.
Some activities involve a competitive spirit while others require teamwork. We plan various activities like skiing, tobogganing in the evening, snowshoeing, or even snowmobiling. The choice depends on the profile of your team and the intensity sought.
3. The original activities of Courchevel
For the first time in French electoral history, computer animation techniques were used to simulate the potential impact of different vote counting methods. A simulated election was modelled, using various algorithms to demonstrate how the counting of votes could potentially sway the outcomes. The visualization revealed the stark differences between the traditional counting method and a more sophisticated algorithmic approach. This experiment was conducted to highlight the importance of understanding the mechanics behind vote counting and its potential implications on electoral outcomes.